jeudi 7 juin 2012

 I am doing the 12 days chalange! I need to lose 12lbs in 12 days. I stated yesterday and I lost one pound. I did ok ish today ... But I really need to do better if I want to succed!!! Feel free to join in and comment below about your progress!! :) I am so excited about this becaus i really want to be 110! Then hopfully 103!!! :D !!

3 commentaires:

  1. You are doing better than me so far. As I said before my scale needs a new battery. I am ether 202.4 or 201.8. I am about to go work out soon. My eating today was not the best.

    Had some nachos, diet dr.pepper and two chicken thighs. Don't worry I am about to burn that off real soon.

    I hope your day is continuing to go great.

  2. Hey!
    I've been fasting for 4 days now, (well 3 days, this is the start of my fourth) and I've lost 6lbs :)
    What diet/ method are you using for the 12 day challenge? My goal weight is 110lbs too.
    Hope you're day continues to be good, can't wait to hear your updates on how it's going :)
    Good luck!

  3. WEll do to the party i acutally gaianed weigt... ugh! i know... i got to 122 and now i am 121. i ate turckey today only becaus my dad made a beautifull diner for the familly... but i plan on fasting for the rest of the week!! :)

    Dont worry winterA if you bounce back right now you will be fine! remember every calorie counts! :)

    115journey thats awsome!!! I am so happy tpo see you are losing weight!!! my plan during the 12 day chalenge is to eat as less as posible! i have a notherj party to go to this friday! so i am hoping to get close to 115! so i am starting a week long fast!!!! keep posting on how you fast is going!!! :) ill do it with you! :)
