mardi 5 juillet 2011

hey everyone!

Its been a while that i havent write on this thing but here i go!
I made it to my prom at 117 lbs!Now im 118.. but not that bad! i am almost at my goal to 115!

vendredi 8 avril 2011

Yesterday I went out and ended up with no self-control…  Luckily I wasn’t to bad but my friends kept encouraging me to eat and I would just give in! I woke up this morning at my boyfriend’s house. He brought me breakfast in bed. I felt so bad to see his expression on his face when he saw I didn’t eat it all…but I had to do what I had to do… I moved the food around on the plate to make it look I ate more. I’m sure he forgot all about it by now.
 I despise fish… but everybody says if you want to lose weight you need to eat fish. It’s not that I don’t like the taste… I just hate the texture of it in my mouth…  I might just try mixing it with brown rice. Today I did awesome on my diet and I really hope tomorrow I’ll do better by eating fish. J

mercredi 6 avril 2011

I have lost 2 ponds on my diet!

This morning when I woke up really disappointed and i didn’t want to be on this diet anymore because I felt like it wasn’t doing anything… Just for the heck of it, I decided to weigh myself. HUGE SIRPRISE! I lost 2 pounds! I am now 123! I know 2 pounds isn’t a lot but it is enough to encourage me to keep going! Today I did awesome on my diet! I got 70 points! I am getting better every day! I guess it just take time to get us to the diet J the “want to be her thinspo” blog really helped me J I suggest to everybody to go see it J So far I have 180 points! I cant wait to do it all again tomorrow!

mardi 5 avril 2011

Today I can’t stop thinking about food… I guess im hungry but the trick is to keep busy. I need to keep reminding myself what I am working for and not to give up! I did better today than yesterday! Today I got 60 points! 10 points more than yesterday! In total I have 110 points!  I am working on a new thinspo video I really hope it will help keep my mind off of food and inspire me to exercise more J

lundi 4 avril 2011

day 1!

Today was day one of the diet. Everything was going absolutely great! Until… at work earlier my manager came up to me with our new peach pie and he insisted me to try it. Even thou the pie was small, it was still really fatty… L today I almost reach 1000 calories L at least I still get ten points! I also get a another ten points for exercising for a half  hour, twenty points for sleeping eight  hours and ten points for a litter of water witch leaves me with fifty. It’s not too good but it could have been worst. At least it was just day one and tomorrow is another day to try harder. I still way 125 pounds. I hope in ten days I lose 5 pounds but I’d still be happy to lose at least 3 pounds.

samedi 2 avril 2011

Due to all the snow outside, I didn’t get to running today neither but I found this new diet on this blog … Lose 5 pounds in 10 days. This diet is really unique and interesting. I’m not sure who created it but I think that person is a genus because they transformed a plain old diet into a game. Kind of like weight watchers they use points with what you eat but this one is a little different . You get points with the less calories you eat , the more exercise you do, the more water you drink… it’s pretty cool and I suggest everybody should take a look! J I decided to give it a try on Monday and then 10 days after Monday I will weight myself and see how good/bad I did. I am really hoping I find somebody else who will do the diet too to see if they will have the same reactions as me. Woot! I can’t wait!

vendredi 1 avril 2011

Today is a terrible day for my diet! It has been almost a week since I last weigh myself and I’m still sitting on 125 lb. This morning I prepared myself a bowl of oatmeal so I could eat it on the bus, but sadly I forgot to bring utensils! Ugh! I ended up skipping breakfast and waited until it was time to eat a snack. When I was time to eat a snack, my piece of cheese didn’t look to good… I was scared it was expired so I ended up throwing it out. Finally I found a granola bar in my bag… Ugh! Carbs R us! When I think today couldn’t get worst, I hear that where getting a snow storm tonight! FML! I will not be able to go on my usual run. I guess the solution to all of this is to not eat as much today and make sure to work out twice as hard tomorrow. 

jeudi 31 mars 2011

How did i start my weight loss journey...

I’ve always been careful with my weight. I’ve always tried to maintain a perfect 130 lb or lower. I have never been heavier than 130. After going on a trip to Hawaii with my boyfriend and his family on March brake I didn’t feel to comfortable in my bathing suit but that wasn’t what pushed me off the edge. Every time we would go out to eat, the people I was with would always comments on my food. (Unpleasant comments…) I would not finish my meals because I was always to embarrass. They weren’t even bad! I don’t even know what the fuss was all about… Anyways, finally when it was time to go back home in Canada, at the Honolulu airport I got myself a pair of pink shorts that has Hawaii written on the butt. Of course there was no changing room and I was in a rush to get to my plane, so I got the first ones I saw. When I got to try them on, they were REALLY tight. I was soooooo upset! At that moment I couldn’t take it! Something had to be done. I decided that I wanted to lose 15 pounds and my new pink shorts would be my new target outfit! So far I’ve lost 5 pounds, which means now I am a 5’7’’ girl who weighs 125lb and I’m not planning on stopping yet. Hopefully by this summer I will be able to really fit in those pink shorts (without them being tight on me) and reach my weight goal.
Wish me luck!