dimanche 29 juillet 2012

I am finally back in the game!! I was 116 ths morning!!! My goal is to be 115 by tomorrow but its possible that i might not reach it ... :( but id be soooooo happy if  I did! If ever I do reach my goal! I super wish to get to 110 but next weekend!!! I would finally be my old weight again!!!! yey!!! I hope your all doings just as good!!! :D

jeudi 7 juin 2012

 I am doing the 12 days chalange! I need to lose 12lbs in 12 days. I stated yesterday and I lost one pound. I did ok ish today ... But I really need to do better if I want to succed!!! Feel free to join in and comment below about your progress!! :) I am so excited about this becaus i really want to be 110! Then hopfully 103!!! :D !!

lundi 4 juin 2012

Well... I didn't end up geting my goal of 115... But I did made it to 118. But now I am 124... I gained weight at the two partys I went to and I also gained weight from hering about my grandmother... She was brought to the hospital by ambulance... Ends up her medication was too strong for her... she gaved me  the most bigest scare!!! I ate the hole house just to have confort... Ugh... Everything is ok now and all she needs is to rest. So now I can finaly get back to business! I am planig a big fast tomorow!!! I'll let ya all know how I do!! :) Wish me lots of luck!!! :)

mardi 29 mai 2012

 I have not only descive you guy but also myself... I was 119 but I want on a raod trip with my perents.... I was to scared to weight myself tonight becaus I know if I am alot hevyer I will not be able to sleep tonight. Tey would make me eat muffins and coockies bread... All of my worst enimys... now i dont think i will reach my goal of 115 by saturday :( maybe if I eat nothing but one apple wer day maybe ill actually reach it! Ugh I am sooooooo disapopinted!!!

dimanche 27 mai 2012

 Hey Everybody! Well, it is now 10:54 pm and I weigth 120 lbs. I REALLY hope I make it to 119 lbs by tomorrow if not the morning at least at night! I am really hoping I can distarct myself from ALL food and if I do end up eating, I will only go for neguative calorie foods. Wish me luck everybody!! XOX

jeudi 24 mai 2012

Hi everyboddy. I am sorry for not blogging for a while. to be honest i have been avoyding this blogg becaus i gain a pound and then gained a nother pound after that.... My mom has been on me about my eating... plus my sister is helping her! ugh! I am so so so disapointed.... i was 123.8 this morning. eww gros i know.. but I weigted myself tonight and i was 122.9 so i almost lost a full ligit pound! i am planing to lose more! I made my self a BIG IMPORTANT goal and that is to be 115 by the 2-3 of june ! (its my boyfriends birthday party) I promis to keep blogging no mather what the weight! :) wish me luck everyboddy!!! :)