jeudi 10 mai 2012

So I desided to give up on all my weight loss goals. I find them to stressfull and stress makes me eat. Now I only have one goal. FAST. I like fasting with one snack per day. The one snack helps me not to binge while I am fasting and after I am done fasting. It also helps me to fast for longer periodes of time and have more controle with my eating. Yesterday I lost two pounds! Yey! I know I should be more happy I lost two pounds but I am not thin enough! I want to be thinner then my old weight (110) and thats over 10 pounds away! Ugh FML! A well! This just means its crunch time! And I am totally going to get this fatty weight off! I am 5'7'' so I am aming for 103!

3 commentaires:

  1. I love your thinspo photos!

    Stay strong my lovely x

  2. At your height being 103 you are going to be total super model status. I was thinking about the same thing myself. Giving up on goals or getting on the scale. Makes me panic too much. I think I did good today and knowing that sadly makes me want to get on the scale lol.

  3. Thank you kate! Those pics are my absolut fav! They are my motivation!

    WinterA :I still weight myself like crazy :P! i so cant help it! :P but i just dont tell myse,f i need to weight a certain weight :) yes in some kind of way i have a goal to weight less but if it need to be a serten weight i find it really stresfull! :P
